Icelandic horses in the snow. Try and sport them at the golden circle
Golden Circle Travel Guide 2024
What is the Golden Circle? The Golden Circle is the most popular and easy going scenic route in Iceland, offering a wide variety of natural attractions.  The Golden Circle is located within...
Iceland road trip
The Ultimate 7 Day Iceland Winter Itinerary
This itinerary will guide you through the land of ice and fire and will ensure you will see all the highlights and hidden gems of Iceland within just seven days. Day 1: Arrival Stepping off the...
Visiting the windmills of Kinderdijk in the Netherlands
One of the most famous sights in the Netherlands are the windmills of Kinderdijk. When visiting the Netherlands, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a must see in order to truly experience the Dutch history...
Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park is the home of the tallest and largest trees in the world. Normally, size does not matter. This is certainly not the case in Sequoia, where trees grow up to 31 meters tall! How...
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